Which Is Worse: Bipolar Or BPD?

Are you concerned about your diagnosis and wondering which is worse: bipolar or BPD?

Well, that can be a challenging question. But let’s compare the two mental health conditions and their symptoms to understand them better.

Mental disorders can significantly affect a person’s life and those around them. So, which is worse: bipolar or BPD?

Both bipolar disorder and BPD can make life difficult. People with BPD are more prone to self-harm and often have intense and complicated relationships.

On the other hand, suicide rates are higher in people with bipolar disorder.

It can be challenging to compare the severity of these two mental disorders. Let’s get to the bottom of which mental health disorder is the worse: Bipolar or BPD?

Bipolar Disorder vs. Borderline Personality Disorder 

Bipolar and borderline personality disorder (BPD) are distinct mental health conditions. Let’s evaluate both of these disorders to get a better understanding. 

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental condition distinguished by episodes of madness and depression.

Madness, medically referred to as mania, is a state of unusually irritable and uplifted mood.

At the same time, depression is a low mood state with decreased energy and movement.

Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder

The symptoms of this disorder can vary between sufferers and can change over time. A person suffering from this disorder may experience symptoms like:

  • Unusually elevated or irritable mood
  • Increased energy and activity levels
  • Decreased need for sleep
  • Impulsivity and poor judgment
  • Dejection and sadness
  • Losing interest in daily tasks
  • Changes in appetite and sleep patterns
  • Feeling guilty or worthless
  • Thoughts about self-injury or suicide

Some people experience more manic episodes, while others experience more depressive episodes. In some cases, a mixed episode may occur.

Treatments For Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a persistent condition that needs to be treated over the long term.


Professionals commonly use mood stabilizers such as lithium and valproate to handle the symptoms of this disorder.

Antipsychotics and antidepressants may also be used in combination with mood stabilizers.


Talking therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and family-oriented therapy can help bipolar people better understand and manage their condition.

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT):

This is a procedure in which electrical shocks are administered to the brain to treat severe depression. It’s used when medication and psychotherapy have been unsuccessful.

Borderline Personality Disorder

Intense and unstable emotions, impulsive behavior, and distorted self-image characterize this mental health condition.

People suffering from BPD may have difficulty understanding and managing their emotional responses.

Symptoms Of BPD

BPD is a complex condition that isn’t yet fully understood. A person suffering from BPD may experience symptoms like: 

  • Intense and unstable emotions
  • Spontaneous and unruly behaviors, such as abusing certain substances, driving recklessly, or excessive spending
  • A disturbed self-image, including feelings of emptiness or worthlessness
  • Difficulty establishing or maintaining stable relationships
  • Suicidal thoughts or self-injurious behavior
  • Fear of abandonment
  • Rapid changes in self-identity

Treatment Of BPD

This complex condition also requires long-term treatment.


This is the key treatment plan for BPD. The most commonly used talk therapy for BPD is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).


Medications may be used in conjunction with therapy to treat symptoms of depression, anxiety, and impulsivity.


At times, BPD sufferers may require hospitalization if they risk harming themselves or others.

Family Therapy

Family therapy can be helpful as it can help family members understand the condition and learn how to provide support.

Which Is Worse: Bipolar Or BPD?

Both BPD and bipolar disorder are severe mental conditions. Intense and unstable emotions, impulsive behavior, and a distorted self-image characterize BPD.

This can make it challenging for individuals with BPD to form and maintain stable relationships.

Episodes of mania and depression signify bipolar disorder. This can affect a person’s mood, energy, and behavior.

It can be challenging for individuals with bipolar disorder to manage their symptoms and stabilize their lives.

It’s tough to decide which of the two disorders is worse than the other. Both can significantly affect a person’s life and the lives of those around them.

Each condition has its symptoms and challenges, and each person’s experience with these disorders differs.


Both borderline personality and bipolar disorder are severe conditions and can make life challenging for the sufferers.

They have their symptoms and treatment plans. With proper treatment, recovery from bipolar or BPD is possible, and individuals can lead fulfilling lives.

But determining which is worse: bipolar or BPD depends on the individual’s experience and symptoms.

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